Sunday, March 24, 2013

Baseball - Giants vs. Reds

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Today, we went to the Cartoon Art Museum and took part in a little get-together about mini-comics... and while there, this is what I made... in apparently my favorite medium right now, ball point pen on scratch paper... to be used little in a full sized comic perhaps, but it was good to get it kind of laid out the way I was thinking... enjoy...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mini-Comic #1 - Cinderella 2

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Here is my first attempt at a mini-comic... I hope that you enjoy it... made with a red ball point pen because... I had it handy...

Fin... Please forgive the penmanship... it was all the years in med school...


Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Welcome to the latest little project of mine... RoboPanda Comics. Together with the great Untidy Venus, our main objective... World Domination. The many steps towards that main objective... begin with a lot of hard work, elbow grease, art utensils, and this blog. If you're reading this blog, then chances are:

A) We met you at a comic book convention or some other gathering of the awesomes & slipped you our info... probably subliminally or with strategic informative postings.

B) You've known either of us for many many years and we told you about this blog to tell all your awesome friends & family

C) You were searching for Panda Porn & this was on the second page. Alas, you've found what you were looking for... even if you didn't know it.

In all honesty, this blog is for posting some of our mini comics, rough sketches, ideas, upcoming events in the realm of the RoboPanda world. What is RoboPanda? You'll find out soon enough.

As foretold in the Prophecy,


P.S. Yes, I still sign my name with a dollar sign like a 90's teenager